About Jamie

“A woman in harmony with her spirit is like a river flowing. She goes where she will without pretense and arrives at her destination to be herself and only herself.”

- Maya Angelou


Jamie has a love and deep appreciation for the rhythm of life and cycles we each individually experience on our journey. Jamie holds a deep respect and love for the land and a knowing of the gifts the earth holds and profound healing it can bring when connected back to it. Jamie’s approach is more spiritual and honours the individual gently guiding them to unlock and acknowledge their own wisdom to strengthen their own inner knowing. Jamie is a kind, compassionate and empathic soul working as one with her higher self, Ancestors and guides. Jamie uses a range of healing modalities to assist in bringing her clients back into equilibrium and back to themselves. Jamie is a qualified Holistic Counsellor, Psychotherapist, Youth worker and Energy Healer. Combining and weaving her skills together along with her own intuition, deep connection to spirit, the angelic realms and most importantly her heart, Jamie will move through whatever you are experiencing with you step by step from a place of flow, grace and love to support you on your journey.